One quote that has kept me thinking is this one from page 21. Asana is describing the new job that her father has and their new village. At this point she is talking about the people who are beginning to arrive in the new village. She mentions the blacksmith, the carpenter, te herbalist, the coffee harvestors and growers. Then she says this and I am still wondering what the significance is:
"A big man casts a long shadow and many people build their lives in the shade."
At first I thought she was talking about the blacksmith, but then I realized that she could be talking about any of the others who joined the village. Then as I'm writing this I wonder if maybe it's her father. He is supposed to be the leader of the village and maybe she is talking about his shadow or governance over these people. This seems to make sense to me. In order for his business to grow and flourish, he needs all of the other villagers, especially the workers to harvest and plant.
I never thought I would think so much about one line in a novel, but it's good to identify these challenging lines because they can hold so much information. It just takes a little time and a little thought, and for me, the chance to write a little, because it is then that I can begin to really understand something.