Located in the Southern part of the African continent, Zimbabwe is home to many different species of animals including elephants, lions, giraffes and zebras, and is also the where the famous Victoria Falls are located.
A quick history of Zimbabwe is necessary before I tell you about the anticolonial struggle in Zimbabwe. Originally named Zambesia, the name changed in 1895 to Rhodesia because of Cecil Rhodes' colonizing efforts there. The name then changed to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland when the British combined the two colonies in 1953. Shortly after this due to strong African nationalism, the British dissolved the Union and it was divided into 3 separate colonies.
In 1963, the anticolonial struggle began. The Prime Minister of Rhodesia, Ian Smith, declared Rhodesia independent from Britain in a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI). The United Kingdom (Britain) saw this declaration as an act of rebellion but didn't try to take back control.
All of this quickly led to a civil war in Rhodesia. In 1970, the white minority government led by Smith declared Rhodesia a republic while the black majority through guerilla warfare against the UDI.
In 1978, Smith finally signed an accord with three black leaders and elections followed in 1979. The United African National Council won the election and Abel Muzorewa became Prime Minister. Muzorewa changed the name from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe Rhodesia. In this new government system, whites were still in control in a power-sharing arrangement which did not reflect the majority. In 1979 the civil war finally ended with the signing of the Lancaster House Agreement.
In 1980 another election was held and the Zimbabwe African National Union won. Mugabe became the ruler and a peace accord was signed in 1987.
Since then, Zimbabwe has dealt with land issues and, most recently, an economic and food crisis.