The first building I went to visit was the Meeting Hall. It appears like it was built by the people and was made with materials that were native to the area. I remember the book saying that the weather there was hot and dry for a portion of the year and rainy for another portion, therefore it makes sense that the building would be close to the ground and have such a large covering.

I then thought it was interesting to view the Christian Mission. It is built with different materials and has walls on the sides. It also has a front section with an overhang which I assume is the entrance. The building seems to have a solid foundation and more diversified construction than the Meeting Hall. As I thought about these differences, it made sense to me that this building would be different than the Meeting Hall because the missionaries arrived a long while after the Ibo people had settled and probably brought their ideas about the construction of buildings with them.

The final building that I looked at was the District Commissioner's Headquarters. This building, to me, seems the most advanced. It has two levels and a staircase. There are square windows and pillars to support the building. The thatched roof is still present, but that is about the only thing that truly signifies that this is a building in Africa.